Student Handbook
Parent & Student
“The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.”
-John Lubbock
Forward ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Mission Statements --------------------------------------------------------- 4
School Vision ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
School Motto ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
Title IX Statement ------------------------------------------------------------- 5
School Philosophy/Objectives ----------------------------------------------- 5-6
Staff Directory -------------------------------------------------------------- 7
PTO Directory ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Daily Student Schedule ---------------------------------------------------- 9
Attendance ------------------------------------------------------------- 10-11
Bus Rules --------------------------------------------------------------- 11-13
Cold Weather Policy ------------------------------------------------------- 13
Discipline -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Early Arriving Students --------------------------------------------------- 13
Electronic Devices & Toys ------------------------------------------------ 14-15
Emergency Closure Procedures ----------------------------------------- 15
General School Rules ----------------------------------------------------- 16
General Playground Rules ------------------------------------------------ 16
Grades and Report Cards ------------------------------------------------ 16-17
Head Lice -------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Healies, Skateboards and Rollerblades --------------------------------- 17
Illness and Medication -------------------------------------------------- 17-18
Immunization Records ---------------------------------------------------- 18
Leaving Parker-Egin School ------------------------------------------- 18-19
Library ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Lost and Found ------------------------------------------------------------ 19
New Student Identification (Birth Certificate) -------------------------- 19
Parent-Teacher Conferences -------------------------------------------- 19
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up --------------------------------------------- 20
PowerSchool -------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Records -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Releasing Students from School ----------------------------------------- 21
Riding Bicycles and Walking ---------------------------------------------- 21
School Fees -------------------------------------------------------------- 21
School Injuries ------------------------------------------------------------- 21
School Lunch -------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Special Education/Resource --------------------------------------------- 22
Student Dress Code ---------------------------------------------------- 22-23
Substance Abuse Policy ------------------------------------------------ 23
Tardiness ----------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Telephone Use ---------------------------------------------------------- 23
Textbooks ----------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Title I ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Treats --------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Visiting the School -------------------------------------------------------- 24
Volunteers ----------------------------------------------------------------- 24
Zero Tolerance for Weapons/Explosives ------------------------------- 24
2021-22 School Calendar ------------------------------------------------ 25
School Lunch Monthly Prices -------------------------------------------- 26
The purpose of this handbook is to familiarize you with the operation of the Parker-Egin Elementary School. It is the desire of the entire staff to make your child’s experience in this facility as enjoyable and successful as possible.
We are convinced that next to the home experience, the school will probably be the most powerful influence in the lives of the children who attend here. We realize the great responsibility this places on us as a staff, and are thus dedicated to creating an atmosphere that is not only conducive to learning, but also helps the child develop a positive feeling of self-worth. It is our desire to build a foundation for future learning, and to help your child learn qualities that will help them to become successful citizens of their future communities.
The success that each student has in school is greatly enhanced by your support and cooperation. We request your support in helping your child complete his/her daily assignments.
Please feel free to visit the classroom, and get to know your child’s teacher. It will also help if you can familiarize yourself with this handbook. Updated information can be obtained on the school website at www/ We are counting on your help and support, and look forward to working with you to make your child’s experiences here successful.
We are looking forward to having a great year.
Kay Thompson, Principal
Parker-Egin Elementary School
221 N. Center St. - Parker
St. Anthony, Idaho 83445
Phone: 624-7472 Fax: 624-7590
Fremont School District Board of Trustees
Jon Bailey, Jaylee Packer, Tia Cherry, Julianne Hill, Coy Crapo
Fremont School District Administration
945 West 1st North
St. Anthony, Idaho 83445
Phone: 624-7542
Superintendent ………………………………..Byron Stutzman
Business Manager …………………………….Hali Mackert
Director of Special Education…………………Ben Garcia
Admin. Assitant/………………………………Misty Wocelka
Transportation Supervisor……………………..Misty Wocelka
Food Services Supervisor……………………...Hali Mackert
Custodial Supervisor…………………………...Jason Calhoun
Maintenance Supervisor………………………..Jason Calloun
Payroll Clerk/Personnel………………………..Jamie Hymas
Fremont School District Mission Statement
School District 215’s Mission is to educate and prepare all learners to excel and become contributors in their communities by providing opportunities, skills, and tools to communicate, solve problems, build bridges and lead.
Vision Statement
We empower individuals to become builders and leaders who work hard, seek excellence in their own lives, and serve in their families and communities.
Learn – Build – Lead
Parker-Egin Elementary Mission Statement
The mission of Parker-Egin Elementary,
is to provide and promote quality education
to prepare all to become productive members of society.
School Vision
The Parker-Egin Elementary School’s vision is to provide a well-balanced and successful education experience. We will establish and maintain good relationships with each other. Students will demonstrate responsible behavior. Students will leave Parker-Egin Elementary with confidence and high self-esteem.
School Motto
Where Each Child Is Important
Title IX Statement
Fremont County School District #215 does not discriminate or deny services on the basis of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, and/or disability.
Parker-Egin Elementary School Philosophy/Objectives
We recognize that education is an ongoing process. Members of the school community (students, teachers, staff, administrators, and parents) are continually learning and are committed to reaching their fullest potential. It is in the pursuit of excellence that each member of the school community will find the greatest growth, satisfaction, and happiness. We are committed to seeking excellence in all that occurs in our school.
Following Idaho Code, Section 33-1612, “Thoroughness” legislation, Parker-Egin’s objectives are to address and provide the following standards:
#1 Safe Environment- District and building procedures address safe working conditions and environments, in addition students are encouraged and expected to experiment, take risks and develop their own unique perspectives on life in a safe, non-threatening school/classroom environment.
#2 Classroom Discipline- Teachers are committed to nurturing, well disciplined classrooms where students are free from violence and harassment.
#3 Basic Values- The development of strong citizenship is a high priority at Parker-Egin Elementary. Students are taught loyalty, honesty, tolerance, kindness, respect for authority, and respect for self and one’s fellow beings and property.
#4 Communicate Effectively- Proper communication skills are taught daily in all grade levels. School personnel are expected to maintain open communication between home and school via phone calls, notes, home visits, grade reports, and open invitations to parents for classroom visits and interaction.
#5 Basic Curriculum- It is the function of the school to provide opportunities for mastering skills within the basic curriculum areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. Students will develop confidence and learn to communicate through reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing.
#6 Workforce Skills- The staff is committed to providing social and educational experiences that will help each child to develop skills, ideas, and traits of character that will lead to a useful and productive life.
#7 Current Technology- Students will use technology for their own learning and will in turn use technology as a tool of discovery and production for their own work.
#8 Responsible Citizenship- Students are taught skills for the development of character and personal responsibility for strong homes, community, and nation. Students are also taught that in our democratic society, each person has a unique position and can offer assistance to the general welfare of all.
Parker-Egin Elementary Staff
Kay Thompson..................................................................................Principal
Josie Nichols.................................................................................Secretary
Amber Tanner......................................................................................Resource
Tara Yancey……..…………………………………..………Computers / Paraprofessional
Taina Gardner....................................................................................Title I Paraprofessional
Susan Overton..…............................................................................Title I Paraprofessional
Cathy LeDosquet.......................................................................................Kindergarten
Pam Cardon…........................................................................Librarian / Kindergarten Para
Jenny Angell......................................………………………………Kindergarten Para
Ashley Jackson ………………………......………………………..SPED Paraprofessional
Kayla Forbush………………………….........……………………..SPED Paraprofessional
Melanie Miller…….….........................................................................First Grade
Julie Powell ..........................................................................................Second Grade
Emily Rasmussen..................................................................................Third Grade
Ryan LeDosquet.......................................................................................Fourth Grade
Brooke Miller.......……...............................................................................Fifth Grade
Jessie Mahler...... …………………..…………………………………….….....Music
Kimberly Smith...……………………………………………………...Physical Education
Haylie Kluksdal ....................................................................................Custodian
Kim Wood ...…………………………………………………………………..Cook
Jody Howard…...................................................................................Cook
PTO Board & Committees
President ................................................................................................ Kayla Forbush
Vice President ………………………………………………………….. Ashley Jackson
Secretary ………………………………………………………………. Kayla Forbush
Read-A-Thon Sept./Oct………………………………………………The PTO
Book Fairs/Nov & March………………………………………………..…Pam Cardon
Lunch Bunch/Monthly…………………………………………………… Whitney Forbush
Parent/Teacher Conference meals/Nov & March…..............Mandi Crapo, Chelsey Howard
Reading Week/March.………..………………………………………. The PTO
Field Day/May……………………………………………………….. Kimberly Smith
Secretary’s Day/April 27th…………………………………………….. Kayla Forbush
Staff Appreciation Week/May 1st-5th…………………………………… Katie Crapo
Cougar Bucks …………………………………………………………. The PTO
Christmas Activity …………………………………………………….. The PTO
Daily Student Schedule 2021-22
7:15 Students Dropped Off
Please do not allow students to arrive before this time.
7:30 Teachers Arrive
7:40...........................................................................................................................First Bell
7:45 School Begins
(Note: 4th and 5th grade will begin at 7:40 am)
9:30-9:45 Recess; Grades K – 5
11:10 …………………………………………………………………….Lunch; Kindergarten
11:20 Lunch; 3rd grade
11:23 Lunch; 4th grade
11:25 Lunch; 5th grade
11:28 Lunch; 2nd grade
11:30 Lunch; 1st grade
11:33 ……………………………………………………………………….. Lunch; Kindergarten
12:00 ………………………………………………………………4th and 5th Lunch Recess Ends
12:10 Lunch Recess Ends
(On Fridays, lunch recess ends at 12:05 for all classes)
1:15-1:30 Recess; Grades K-5
2:20 School dismissed
Important Note:
Fridays are early dismissals for K-5th grade.
Students will be dismissed at 1:05 p.m. for teacher preparation and planning.
2:30 Buses Depart
2:30 Walkers Dismissed
3:30 Teachers Depart
Good attendance at school is extremely important. There is a significant correlation between school attendance and academic success. It is important that students be in attendance at school and be punctual. Students who are not punctual miss important instruction, disrupt the instructional process, and form bad punctuality habits and attitudes about the importance of education. Idaho Code 33-202 clearly states that for students ages 7 through 16, attendance is compulsory. If a student must be absent from school, the parent is requested to call the office before 9:00 a.m. to report the absence for that day.
Parent/Legal Guardian Responsibility:
1. It is the responsibility of parents or the child’s legal guardian to ensure their child attends school and demonstrates punctuality.
District Responsibility:
1. To provide a reasonably safe and orderly environment conducive to learning.
2. To provide pedagogically sound instructional concepts presented in a friendly, efficient learning environment.
Consequences of Non-Attendance: A student misses important learning concepts by chronic non-attendance.
1. The school will contact the parents to discuss the reasons for non-attendance.
2. Conference(s) will be set up for parents to meet with the teacher and school administration.
3. Parents and school personnel are encouraged to work together on cooperative strategies to help correct any difficulties with school attendance.
4. Following cooperative strategies, if non-attendance continues, school personnel reserve the right to contact legal authorities.
Being late for school hurts a child’s learning, too. A student who is 10 minutes late every day will miss 30 hours of instruction during the year. Children can copy notes or make up an assignment, but they can never get back what’s most important: the discussions, the questions, the explanations by the teacher and the thinking that makes learning come alive.
Your child’s success in school depends on having a solid educational background – one that can only be gained through regular school attendance. We are responsible for teaching your child. But we cannot do our job if your child is absent. Learning builds day by day. A child who misses a day of school misses a day of learning.
As of May 17, 2007, the Fremont County School Board approved the following policy (501.0) for Elementary Students:
Students in grades one (1) through eight (8) may not be absent from any class more than ten (10) days each semester. Students who have excessive absences are expected to attend summer school.
Parents may be contacted when students are absent. Communications whether verbal or written will be determined by the building policy. The intent of these communications is to inform parents of their child’s absences, the affect absences may have on their academic progress, and to work in concert with parents to improve school attendance.
Students with excessive absences may be turned over to the court system after notification.
Idaho laws provide that riding a school bus is a privilege available to students who exercise good conduct while on the school bus. All students, parents and guardians should become familiar with District bus rules and regulations and follow them carefully.
Bus Riding Rules
The driver is in full charge of the bus and students. Students must obey the request of the driver promptly and willingly. Such requests may include:
Assignment of students to specific seats.
Requiring that students assist in keeping the bus clean.
Requiring permission to open windows on the bus.
Requesting students to keep all items out of the aisles.
Following front seat loading procedures.
Students are expected to comply with state regulations which require all riders to:
Load and unload the bus in a safe, courteous manner at designated locations only.
Find a seat immediately and remain seated until the bus stops for de-boarding.
Refrain from bringing pets or animals on the bus.
Refrain from eating or drinking on the bus or bringing any glass container on the bus.
Refrain from bringing any form of weapon on the bus, including but not limited to guns, knives, or explosives.
Refrain from any conduct, which would harass or distract the bus driver or other students, including making loud noises or obscene gestures or using profane or obscene language.
Refrain from engaging in participating in or encouraging any form of fighting.
In assembling and awaiting the arrival of the bus, students are expected to obey all school rules providing for student standards of conduct and are not to cross the street until given consent by the driver. Students must cross the highway only in front of the bus, in full view of the driver, and not stand or play in the roadway while waiting for a bus.
Students must keep arms and hands inside the bus at all times.
Students are expected to be on time at loading points so buses can run on schedule. Buses cannot be expected to wait for late boarders.
The student shall not leave or board the bus at locations other than the assigned home stop or assigned school unless such arrangements have been approved by the transportation supervisor and or the building principal.
Students wishing to have other students come to their homes must have a written note from their parents giving them permission. Those students may ride if there is sufficient room on the bus. A written note from the students’ principal or secretary is also acceptable.
Students must also board the bus at the school they attend or have a written excuse from the building principal as to why they are not boarding at the school they attend.
Bus Discipline Policy and Procedures
In order to guarantee all children riding district buses the safe transportation they deserve, the following discipline policy and procedure will be in immediate effect.
Our Philosophy:
We believe all students can behave appropriately and safely while riding on school buses. We will tolerate no student preventing drivers from carrying out their responsibilities or preventing other students from having safe transportation.
Bus Rules:
Follow the direction of the driver.
Stay quietly seated, facing forward.
No eating, drinking, no glass containers.
No tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or vandalism.
No inappropriate language or gestures.
No pushing, shoving, cutting line or fighting.
If a Student Chooses to Break a Bus Regulation:
Depending on the nature and severity of the violation, a first offense could result in immediate suspension of transportation privileges.
1st Incident: Driver issues first Conduct Report. The parent’s signature will be required on the student’s copy or the parent’s mailed copy must be returned, signed, for the student to continue riding the bus. The building principal will be notified.
2nd Incident: Driver issues second Conduct Report. Student is suspended from riding the bus for ten (10) school days. Parent conference with transportation supervisor, bus driver, building principal, and student required for student to ride again. Bus privileges could be suspended for the remainder of the year.
Appeal Process:
Any appeals related to the above disciplinary procedure will follow the prescribed steps:
Step 1: Director of Transportation
Step 2: Superintendent
Step 3: Board of Trustees
It is in the children’s best interest that we work together in a relationship that provides safe transportation.
Cold Weather Policy
Please do not send a note requesting that a student stay in at recess. If a child is well enough to come to school he/she is well enough to go outside. A 10-15 minute recess is good for everyone.
When the weather becomes extremely cold we allow students to stay indoors. Physicians have advised us to use zero degrees wind chill as a rule in determining if the children stay indoors. We must recognize the difference between “uncomfortable” temperatures and those that present a health hazard. Please prepare your child for the temperatures of an Idaho winter by dressing them properly with a heavy coat, hat, gloves or mittens, snow pants, and boots. Please put identification tags on all children’s clothing.
School discipline is based on the belief that although students have the right to a public education where they can be taught and treated fairly; they do not have the right to:
- interfere with another student’s learning
- engage in behavior that is not in their best interest or in the best interest of others
- interfere in the teaching/learning process
- or engage in vandalism of school property.
We are strongly committed to encouraging all who are involved with the development and education of children to work together to make the school experience successful. Positive student behavior will be expected and misbehavior dealt with in an appropriate manner.
The building principal is responsible for the application of consequences for student misconduct. We may need to involve parents when severe problems arise. It is our belief that children of involved parents experience little misbehavior.
Early Arriving Students
Many problems dealing with student behavior and supervision arise when students congregate at school earlier than necessary. Therefore, students should not arrive more than 20 minutes before classes start. School doors will remain locked until the first school bus arrives. It is important for safety’s sake that students go home immediately upon dismissal from school.
Electronic Devices & Toys
Beepers, pagers, cellular phones, smart watches, laser pens, electronic devices and toys may cause a disruption to the learning environment. Any such electronic devices or toys deemed to cause a disruption or constitutes a safety hazard by any school official may be confiscated and not be returned until the end of the school year.
Toys/electronic devices/cell phones/etc. are not allowed to be used at school. If cell phones are brought to school they should be turned off once they get on the bus coming to school and can be turned back on once they get off the bus going home. Cell phones and/or smart watches are to be turned into the teacher at beginning of class and returned to student at the end of school.
Emergency Closure Procedure
Provisions have been made in state attendance regulations for two kinds of emergency closures:
#1 Emergency closure due to facility failure
In the case of emergency closure due to facility failure, advance notice will be given whenever possible using media outlets and all other appropriate communication devices (telephone). If such a failure occurs during the school day requiring school closure before the end of the regular day, parents will be notified as soon as possible so you will be able to respond accordingly.
#2 Emergency closure due to weather
In the case of emergency closure due to weather, the following should be carefully noted:
Date: December 10, 2004
To: Parents of Students
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our school district procedures in the event of inclement weather.
If snowy conditions or extreme cold are predicted, the transportation supervisor and I begin checking weather conditions at 5:00 am. The main concern, in the case of a heavy snowfall, is whether or not the county road crews are able to maintain the roads so that our buses can run. In the case of a heavy snowfall, with little or no winds, the county may have the roads cleared in time for school buses to run normally. A heavy snowfall with high winds will very often create drifting conditions that make outlying roads impassable. The roads in the Island Park area, the Green Timber area and the Squirrel region all present individual situations and problems that will be taken into consideration. Since we have several employees that live in the south and work in the north, and visa-versa, we will close the entire district in time of inclement weather rather than select one region over another.
In the event of extreme cold, we check temperatures throughout the county, from north of Henry’s Lake, to Mack’s Inn, to Parker, Teton, Ashton, and St. Anthony between 5:00 and 5:30 am. Our rule of thumb is:
if the temperatures are below 21 degrees in several of the locations, we close the district schools;
if the wind chill becomes a factor we close the district schools.
Upon closure, we immediately notify radio and television stations. Our goal is to notify the media as close to 6 a.m. as possible. However, we may have to continue to monitor conditions past 6 am before making a decision. We ask that you listen to one of the Idaho Falls or Rexburg stations on questionable mornings for notice of school closure. Please do not call the schools or district office for information, as there are no staff members in the building to take those calls at the early hours. The media has promised to report closure information frequently between 6 and 8 am.
A more difficult problem arises when we experience heavy storm conditions during the course of a school day. It will always be our first choice to keep students at school until conditions improve, as we do not desire to place students on the roads in buses when visibility is poor. It can also be dangerous to take a child home early when parents cannot be reached. We prefer to keep children at school until the normal release time, if at all possible.
It is important that children come to school dressed for the weather. We ask that students come to school in cold weather with long pants, coats, hats, gloves, and proper shoes or boots so that they are adequately protected from the cold, even if they ride a bus to school.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Superintendent and Transportation Supervisor
Emergency Closure Procedure Continued
1. Parents should make advance arrangements for their children to cover two eventualities:
a. School being canceled before the school day begins because of existing weather conditions;
b. School being canceled at some point during the school day because of worsening weather conditions.
2. At no point will the school administration attempt to substitute their own safety judgments for those of the parents. There may be times when, in the best judgment of the administration, school for the majority of students is possible. With this determination, buses will run their regularly assigned route. Nonetheless, if parents determine the contrary for their own children and choose not to send their children to school, the school should be notified so the absence can be recorded appropriately.
3. If school is not officially canceled, all buses will run their regular routes. Conditions in some parts of the school district may cause delays, however. If a bus is running substantially late, please do not call the district office or school. Late buses will stop at all regular stops. Have students watch for the bus from a safe, supervised, and comfortable place and proceed to the stop as soon as the bus comes into view.
4. All buses are radio equipped and are in constant contact with the central office. School transportation officials work closely with county road personnel whenever there is a question about road conditions or transportation safety issues.
Please have a pre-arranged plan for your children to follow in the event that school is dismissed early for some reason. It is not feasible to have them call you from school for instructions because of the considerable delay that would be encountered. We would suggest that you ask your children to call you as soon as they reach home (or wherever you tell them to go) and that you have a plan for siblings to meet at a certain location so that they can all go to the designated place (if they are not to go home) together. Please keep us updated and aware of changes in telephone numbers and emergency contact phone numbers.
General School Rules
Don’t do anything to hurt yourself.
Don’t do anything to hurt someone else.
Don’t do anything to hurt the school.
(Follow Classroom Rules)
General Playground Rules
Same as the three “General School Rules” above.
Swings are made for one child at a time
No standing up in the swings
No jumping out of the swings
No twisting
Do not throw swings at someone else
Students are to play inside the playground fence at all times. If a ball lands outside the fenced-in area or crosses the street, the student must ask the teacher on duty for permission to get the ball.
Students should be outside during recess.
Students who stay in the classroom during recess must be supervised by their classroom teacher or aide.
No food is allowed outside of the cafeteria.
Students are to stay away from the windows while outside.
Do not bounce balls against the building.
Do not fight, play roughly, or throw rocks.
No tackle sports or games.
Use playground toys/equipment how they are intended to be used.
Do not climb up the slides. Do not throw rocks down the slides and equipment.
Do not carry other students.
No name calling, swearing, bullying, or teasing.
Grades and Report Cards
The elementary schools are operating on a quarter and semester system similar to that of the secondary schools in our district. Parents are invited to meet with the teachers in Parent-Teacher Conferences in November and April to review progress. Report cards will be sent home at the end of each quarter. Grades for the report cards are based on student performance and building teachers will be happy to explain this to you. Except in unusual circumstances, the student’s grades reflect achievement in learning the concepts taught. Theoretically, it would be possible for all students to earn an “A”. Parents need to take into account the motivation and ability of their child as well as his/her work habits, self-esteem and social adjustment before bringing pressure to bear on the child to earn higher grades. The teacher may be able to help you in making this assessment. Close cooperation and communication between parents and teacher often results in improved grades.
Head Lice
Periodically or upon request, classes are checked for head lice by the office. We check the entire class so that one or two students are not singled out. If a student is found infected with lice or the nits, he/she will be sent home to receive treatment. Before students are allowed back in school they must be treated and be nit free. Any student sent home for head lice must check back in at the office before he/she goes to class.
Heelies, Skateboards and Rollerblades
Heelies, Skateboards and Rollerblades are not permitted on school property at any time. Heelies, Skateboards or Rollerblades that must be used for transportation to and from school must be stored in the office during the school day and may not be used in the building or on school grounds before or after school. Note: Heelies without the wheels in them may be worn to school.
Illness and Medication
School personnel shall give emergency care to students who become ill or are injured on school property, on buses, or in areas adjacent to the school premises. Any further treatment shall be the responsibility of the parent. Parents shall be notified in case of illness, or injury to a pupil. In case the parent cannot be reached, the family physician listed on the pupil’s enrollment card shall be notified.
No employee of the District shall prescribe, or give, an unauthorized medication (one not having parental permission and a physician’s order) to a student. Any student known to have a medication of any type in the classroom or on the premises of the school shall be interviewed by the principal or school nurse to ascertain the need for the medication and its appropriateness in the school setting. An authorized medication may be given by the principal or properly designated person under one of the following conditions:
The Physician and Parental/Guardian Consent Form for Student Self-Administration of Medication should be completed by parent and physician; the medication to be given must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by a pharmacy or physician. Asthmatic children may be allowed to carry their inhalers on school property, giving them the power of self-administration in accordance with this policy.
Ibuprofen and acetaminophen may be given to a secondary student upon his/her request, and parental permission.
Aspirin and/or acetaminophen are not to be given to elementary students for a short-term symptom or illness. Elementary students needing aspirin and/or acetaminophen for a long-term illness should complete the Physician and Parental/Guardian Consent Form for Student Self-Administration of Medication.
In case of respiratory emergency, i.e. bee sting or severe asthma attack, an epinephrine inhaler may be administered by the principal or other designated authority.
Students on prescribed medications may be allowed to take their own medications upon written permission from their parent(s)/guardian(s). This written permission must be submitted to the school principal. It is requested that these students bring only a daily dosage each day.
This policy will not, however, supersede a student’s rights as protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, American Disabilities Act or the Individual with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA). Thus, in cases where students are placed on a Section 504 Plan or Individual Education Plan (IEP), there may be cause or need wherein, where trained school staff (e.g. staff trained on the appropriate administration of a specific medication) will assist and/or give a student medication which can include injections as prescribed by a physician’s medical order and as outlined on a student’s Section 504 Plan or IEP.
In the event that a situation arises which cannot be handled as stated in the above conditions, medication may be given to a student at the discretion of the principal or designated authority on a one time basis with telephone permission from parent or guardian.
Reference: District Policy 509 “Administering Medications”
When children who are ill attend school it complicates their illness and accelerates the spread of any of the communicable disease they may have. Children who are sick do not belong in school. Students who are absent due to illness will be expected to make up all significant work. Parents should call for missed work just as soon as the child is well enough to begin doing it.
Immunization Records
Immunization records must be maintained by the school on each student. The state requires a report from each school on the status of each student in regard to minimum immunizations. Please keep your child’s record current by notifying the school when new shots are received. If for some reason, you are unable to have your child immunized, you will be requested to sign a waiver form that will be filed with your child’s record so that we will not be contacting you unnecessarily. Proof of adequate immunization against seven childhood diseases must be on file with the school before a child may attend school. In the case of an epidemic, students who are not adequately immunized, for whatever reason, must be excluded from school. These rules in regard to immunization are based on Idaho laws.
Leaving Parker-Egin School
No student is to leave the school building or grounds without permission from the office. Parents, please arrange through the office when you wish to remove your child from school during the day. Checking at the office before taking your child from the premises will help us to ensure the safety of each child at the school.
Please send a note if a child is to get off a bus at a different location than usual, ride a different bus than usual, ride home with a parent of a friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or to walk or ride a bicycle when that is not the usual routine.
We will not give permission for children to deviate from the normal routine unless there is a parental permission note or telephone call. If you call, please do so before 1:00 pm if possible. Our concern is for the safety and well-being of your children.
Our school library media center is a source of pride and is a vital part of our instructional program. Through regularly scheduled class times, students are encouraged to explore our many books. In order to maintain an adequate collection, students, teachers, and parents must cooperate to see that materials are returned in good condition. If materials are not returned, a charge equal to the current replacement price is made.
Lost and Found
Clothing and personal belongings that are brought to school should be labeled with the child’s name. Found articles are turned into the school’s Lost and Found. Lost and Found items are located between the teacher workroom and the cafeteria doors. Please feel free to check our lost and found for items your student has misplaced (Any items left at the close of the school year will be donated to charitable institutions).
New Student Identification
The requirements for identification of all new students are mandated by state law. Upon enrollment of a student for the first time in an elementary or secondary school, the school shall notify, in writing, the person enrolling the student that within thirty days (30) she or he must provide either a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate or other reliable proof of the student’s identity and birth date, which proof shall be accompanied by an affidavit explaining the inability to produce a copy of the birth certificate. Idaho Code 18-4511. If the requested identification is not provided to the school, we are required to notify the proper authorities.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences will be held at the end of the first and third quarters to discuss your child’s progress in school. The staff is available to meet with parents on an individual basis on these dates. Appointments are made by the teacher. You will be notified of these times prior to the conferences. We ask that you make every effort to attend your conference at the appointed time. Should the need arise for a conference at any time during the school year, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Mr. Tanner. Parent-Teacher Conference dates for the 2021-22 school year are November 10th and 11th and March 30th and 31st. Scheduled times are from 4:00 to 8:00 pm.
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Do not drop off your student before 7:15 a.m. The doors will be locked until the first bus arrives. When dropping students off in the morning, please enter through the North entrance and leave out the South exit. Do not pull up to the side of a bus to let your child out. Please pull up behind the buses and allow your child to exit onto the sidewalk. School buses need to have a safe place to unload students away from cars. Bus drivers have a hard time seeing students as they cross in front of them. Our bus drivers have been very courteous and patient to work with. Please do the same for them. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Walking students will be kept in their classroom until buses leave or their parent comes to the classroom to pick the child up.
Fremont School District has purchased PowerSchool, an educational software program used to provide students, parents, teachers, and administrators with real-time information. PowerSchool provides instant access to information the second it is recorded. This on-line community opens new channels of communication and provides a home-to-school community connection.
PowerSchool is a web-based student information system that enables districts and schools to record, access, report and manage their student information and performance.
PowerSchool allows teachers to record grades and attendance electronically. These records are then posted and can be accessed real-time by parents through a confidential log-in. In addition to student records, parents/guardians can monitor progress, review grades, read school bulletins, and correspond via e-mail with individual teachers.
PowerSchool also serves as a doorway to the best educational resources. Students have access to on-line tutoring resources, reference material and information about college and careers. Parents have access to on-line parenting tips and teaching aids.
PowerSchool helps parents be in direct connection to their child’s education. With simple internet access, you can find out exactly how your child is performing at any given moment. Simply enter the web address of Fremont School District at and then click on PowerSchool and enter your student’s user name and password and click “Enter”.
Feel free to contact your child’s teacher or main office if you do not have your student’s password or user name.
All student records are kept on file in the office, and will be made available to legal guardians upon request. This information will not be given to individuals other than school personnel without signed parent permission.
Releasing Students from School
We assume responsibility for your child’s well being during school hours. Students may be released to their parent/guardian during the school day after the parent/guardian has signed the release log located in the office. This precaution is taken solely for the protection of your student. We ask for your cooperation and assistance by observing this policy.
Riding Bicycles and Walking
Students who ride bicycles to school are to practice correct bicycle safety procedures. In the event a child is using a bicycle inappropriately, a conference between the student, parents and principal will be necessary to help facilitate the safety of the child. There is a special area set aside near the playground for the students to leave their bicycles during the school day. Bicycles should be parked upon arrival and are not to be ridden around the playground area.
Bicycle riders and children who walk will be held within the school building until buses have gone. Walkers and bicycle riders are allowed to leave after the buses leave at approximately 2:25 pm on Monday through Thursdays and 1:10 pm on Fridays. Please caution your children against going for rides with anyone without your permission.
School Injuries
Even with the greatest of precautions and close supervision, accidents can and do happen at school. They are a fact of life and a part of the growing-up process our children go through. Parents need to be aware of this and be prepared for possible medical expenses that may arise should your child be injured at school. The school district does not provide medical insurance to pay for medical expenses when students are injured at school. This is the responsibility of the parents or legal guardians.
School Lunch
All students have the opportunity to eat breakfast and either a hot or cold lunch at school. Students who live walking distance from the school may go home for lunch. The cost of school lunches for the 2022-21 school year is $2.00 per lunch and $1.40 per breakfast. Students who receive reduced meals will pay $0.40 per lunch and $0.30 per breakfast. District policy states that students will not be allowed to charge more than three (3) times. Students are served nutritious lunches at school. Parents are welcome to eat lunch at school with their child. If you would like to eat at school with your child, please call the office by 9:00 a.m. the morning you plan to come. We will need to be sure to make an adequate number of lunches. The cost of an adult lunch is $4.10. Milk may be bought for $0.40 for those bringing home lunches.
Families that qualified for free or reduced priced lunches during the 2020-2021 school year will continue to receive the same free or reduced priced lunches for the first month (30 days) of the 20201-22 school year or until the application has been approved or disapproved. We encourage all parents to apply, application forms can be picked up from the main office or lunch room.
Special Education/Resource
Special education services are available for students who possess individual needs that are difficult to meet with the regular program. We can, through use of our personnel, provide a free and appropriate education for our students. If you feel that your child has special needs and may qualify for special education, please talk to your child’s teacher or to the principal.
Student Dress Code
The Board of Trustees of Fremont School District #215 recognizes the individual right of students to choose their style of dress. The Board takes pride in the fact that the majority of this district’s students have elected to wear clothing and observe grooming habits which represent the pride students have in their school.
Since it is the duty of the Board to provide an educational atmosphere conducive to learning and to protect the health, safety, and morals of students, clothing or grooming habits that are disruptive of the educational process, have a detrimental effect on the safety and morals of students or that depict illegal or immoral acts are prohibited. Additionally, clothing which depicts by word or picture items or acts that are obscene, lewd, indecent or offensive are also prohibited, as is clothing which any depiction or words describing or advertising any alcohol, or tobacco product or any legal or illegal drug or substance. Clothing and grooming habits must take into account the sensibilities of others.
If the superintendent or his/her designee determines that a student’s attire or grooming habit is disruptive of the educational atmosphere or is detrimental to the health, morals, or safety of the student or other students, that student will be required to return to his/her home and change into suitable clothing before coming back to school. Parents or guardians will be notified each time a student is asked to leave school because of inappropriate attire. If a grooming habit is determined to violate this policy, the student and his/her parents or guardian will be required to meet with the superintendent or his/her designee to discuss and resolve the matter. All time missed from classes for failure to adhere to this policy will be deemed unexcused absences. Repeated failure to follow this policy may result in further discipline.
Students’ clothing should be clean, in good repair, and appropriate to the current weather conditions. Extremely tight fitting clothing, midriff tops, short-shorts, bare feet, fishnet shirts, shirts without sides, tank tops and pajamas ( unless authorized for school activities) are considered disruptive to the educational process and are unacceptable. Extreme haircuts, colored hair, or extreme styles that distract from the education process are also unacceptable. Hats are not to be worn in the school building. Clothing promoting or alluding to products or actions inappropriate to the school environment will not be allowed. Parents will be notified if inappropriate clothing is being worn to school. Students who practice good personal hygiene and cleanliness feel better about themselves and consequently achieve better in school.
Substance Abuse Policy
We assert that the use and possession of illegal drugs is unacceptable and harmful behavior. The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs by students or employees on school premises or at school activities is prohibited. Disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution will be imposed on students who violate these standards of conduct.
Parents will automatically be informed of any violation and will be asked to meet with school officials. School officials will determine the appropriate course of action. Age appropriate information is available and taught to all students and is an essential part of the curriculum.
It is extremely important that your child arrive on-time to school. Tardy students are a disruption to the class and the learning process. Please make every effort to have your child at school by 7:35 a.m.
Telephone Use
To protect teachers and students from interruptions and to make the best use of the telephone service available in the school, good judgment dictates reasonable restrictions in the use of the school phone. Students should not use the phone to make arrangements with parents to go over to someone’s house. They are allowed to use the phone if they have been asked to stay after school to finish work, have missed the bus, or for illness or other emergencies.
For calls placed during the school day, students will receive a “telephone pass” from their teacher who has helped them determine whether the call is necessary.
Essential messages can be taken in the school office and relayed to students and to teachers in case of an emergency. Parents who have messages to be delivered to their child should call the office before 1:00 pm so that the secretary has time to deliver the message. Consideration on this matter is appreciated.
If textbooks are lost or damaged beyond reasonable use, parents or guardians will be charged the full replacement price.
Title I
Title 1 service is also available for students that qualify for added help in math and/or reading. Students that qualify for this additional service will be notified.
It is requested that no treats be brought to school without permission of the student’s teacher. All Treats must be STORE BOUGHT. We will not be able to accept home made treats.
Visiting the School
Please feel free to visit our school. We encourage you to make arrangements with your child’s teacher so arrangements can be made for participation. Visitors/Volunteers must check in at the school office before visiting a classroom.
Volunteers at School
Parents are encouraged to help at school. Volunteers are needed in many areas of the school. Please talk to your child’s teacher about ways that you can help. The PTO is also in need of people to help with activities during the year. Your help is always appreciated and lets your child know that school is important and that you are concerned enough to be involved.
Zero Tolerance for Weapons and Explosives
Fremont School District #215 has a "Zero Tolerance" policy for students who bring weapons or other objects/substances to school which are a threat to the health and safety of other students, staff members or visitors. Possession and/or use of weapons or other objects/substances will result in formal suspension procedures and possible expulsion.
Definitions: For the purposes of this policy, the term weapon is defined in Section 921 of Title 18, United States Code and Idaho Code, Section 18-3302D. Weapons as defined include firearms, dirk knives, Bowie knives, dagger, metal knuckles and other deadly or dangerous weapons.
1. Students found in possession of these items will immediately be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency and shall be suspended from school until a thorough investigation is made of the circumstances.
2. Fremont School District #215 will not admit a resident student, who has been expelled from another school district, to school until that student has completed the mandatory expulsion period of not less than twelve calendar months. Students affected by this policy have the obligation to produce official, written confirmation of the initial date of expulsion from the district that expelled them.
3. In accordance with Idaho Code 18-3302D, employees of Fremont School District #215 shall be deemed to have the right to search all students or minors, their belongings and locker which are reasonably believed to be in violation of the provisions of this section of Idaho Code regarding the carrying of a weapon as defined in this policy.
4. Students denied admission under this policy, are entitled to a due process hearing under the general guidelines established by Idaho Code section 33-205.
Parker-Egin School Calendar 2022-2023
Please watch for notes concerning additions and changes as some dates are subject to change. We will inform you of those dates once that information has been communicated to us.
August 17-22 Teacher Contract Day (No School)
August 23 First Day for Students
September 5 Labor Day (No School)
Sept. 25-Oct 9 Harvest break
October 10 Return to School
November 4 1st Quarter Ends
November 9-10 Parent-Teacher Conferences (early release day at 1:05)
November 11 No School
November 21-25 Thanksgiving Break
December 22-Jan 1 Christmas Break
January 2 Return from Christmas
January 16 Inservice (No School)
January 20 2nd Quarter ends
January 23 Inservice (No School)
February 20 President’s Day (no school)
March24 3rd Quarter Ends
March 30-31 Parent Teacher Conferences (early release day at 1:05)
April 3-7 Spring Break
May 29 Memorial Day (no school)
June 2 Last Day of School
$0.40/day $2.00/day
AUGUST $2.00 $10.00 7
SEPTEMBER $4.80 $24.00 11
OCTOBER $8.00 $40.00 21
NOVEMBER $6.40 $32.00 16
DECEMBER $5.20 $26.00 15
JANUARY $8.40 $42.00 19
FEBRUARY $7.60 $38.00 20
MARCH $9.20 $46.00 23
APRIL $6.80 $34.00 15
MAY $8.40 $42.00 22
JUNE $.80 $4.00 1
(Please see page 21 for more information regarding school lunch)